понедельник, 1 февраля 2016 г.

A programmer: Reasons and motives

Поскольку пока к «программированию» не приступаю, то хожу вокруг да около. Наткнулся вот на статью: 7 Reasons Why You Should Start Programming Today. Сами reasons меня не совсем мотивируют, но вот то, что автор пишет о себе, убеждает: 

You may be asking questions like "Who the heck is this Donovan guy?" or "What does he know about programming?" I respect those questions and this is a great time for you to get to know a bit more about me. 

I grew up using computers. This was great and all, but I felt like trying something else. Sometimes I wouldn't find a computer program that would do the things I wanted to do. This got me thinking, why can't I just do it myself? Yes, I wanted to make something; I wanted to create something. 

From there everything connected. I was able to make my own things to suit my personal needs. I liked being in control for once. At first I started making games, then programs, and finally websites. Now I do a combination of everything! All of these are a form of programming. 

P.S.: А будет совсем круто, корда я свой профиль на LinkedIn переделаю из «социолога» в «программиста»? со всеми образованиями, опытом и достижениями.

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